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10/25/11 - "> > == ="
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10/25/11 - "= >= <<"
10/25/11 - "= >"
10/25/11 - "< ="
10/25/11 - "= =>"
10/25/11 - "=="
09/06/11 - "=>"
09/06/11 - "==>"
09/06/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "AH: Close tome."
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "==>"
08/22/11 - "[S] Attempt rare and high..."
08/22/11 - "Insert disc 2."
08/19/11 - "Unsnop."
08/19/11 - "SNOP"
08/19/11 - "[o] ==>"
08/19/11 - "[o] ==>"
08/19/11 - "[o] ==>"
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08/18/11 - "[o] ==>"
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08/17/11 - "[o] ==>"
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RSS: Adventure Updates

1 0 2 5
Posted on 10 Oct. 2011 by Andrew

While I'm still doggedly updating that progress bar, and will continue to, I'm now shooting for a concrete date to post the animation. I should have it up on 10/25.

It's dragged on longer than I wanted it to for a variety of reasons. I'll talk about the process a little after I'm done. There's a good chance I'll finish before 10/25, but if so, I'll hold off posting it until that date. Considering the significance of the number, and the time already spent waiting, at this point it would be kind of lame if I ended up posting it on 10/22 or something. I've planned to hit key dates before, like 4/13, and fell too far behind with the project and missed the date. But this is the first time I've run so late with a project that it actually LANDED on a key date I wasn't shooting for in the first place.

Bonus news: there will be an album released on that date as well.

Posted on 5 Oct. 2011 by Andrew

Time and Space hoodies! Also: tee shirts. Let's additionally pay attention to those eight empty slots beneath the four god tier designs, and wonder about those.

(Light hoodie + tee restock coming soon. Ehh, probably most of this stuff will sell out before the dust settles on this news item. Expect prompt restocks for everything.)

PLUS -- Pins! Kid icons are back in stock. Troll pins are new!!!

Buy them all!!!

Alternate, somewhat less business savvy sales pitch: please maybe don't buy them all so fast this time? Thanks.

WOAH EDIT: Also I should mention, topatoco reprinted a bunch of shirts to have smaller designs, i.e. trolls and record. But it looks like a lot of those are running low too, because I was kind of late in mentioning it and people snuck into the store and nabbed them right under my nose. But don't worry, all that stuff enjoys a pretty brisk reshelving rate.

Posted on 30 Sept. 2011 by Andrew

There is a new support system in place for the store. If you have questions about an order, you may submit here:

Posted on 21 Sept. 2011 by Andrew

^^^ There is a crude progress bar indicating the animation's state of completion, which I may or may not forget to update as I continue to trudge across the Flash timeline. Check back routinely to see if I remembered! It may very well have advanced to the right by several pixels.

Only now, a month into this dreadful content drought, have I begun to achieve what vaguely resembles a stride with this thing. This achievement coincides impeccably with a variety of flu-like symptoms. The invading organisms believe they can slow me down, but they're wrong. I am smarter than all of them combined, and literally a trillion times bigger. There is no contest, really.

We have new products to sell in the WP store. Oh god, you are going to want them. You will want them, and they will disappear from the store faster than anyone can believe. But I will not sell them just yet.

We're fixing some things first. We are getting a few more people on board to ship things, such that they may arrive faster. And getting a better customer support system. We used to have a very shitty support system in place, so naturally we decided to upgrade to an even shittier system. To my understanding, it is currently the software equivalent of writing your query down on a slip of paper, and tucking it under your pillow. So please stay tuned for a new system that hopefully will not hinge on the reliability of nocturnal fairies.

Next time on Homestuck
Posted on 6 Sept. 2011 by Andrew

I said I'd give a forecast on when to expect the next animation to be finished. So here you go.

I can't imagine there'll be anything to see here until at least three weeks from now. I'd like to give a more optimistic outlook. In the past, such optimism has been misleading.

One problem is, I don't have the running start I usually do. The song isn't finished, for one thing. Not quite sure when it will be, but it's a process I'm staying more closely involved with than usual. I also have almost no art assets to work with yet. Can't do much until more pieces fall into place. This is a very different type of project than in the past. By which I mainly mean, there's a lot more preplanning than my typical shotgun approach involves.

Some of this planning took place over the last couple weeks. In that time, I also worked on some books which I hope will be real objects soon. And if all this wasn't enough, I somehow squeezed another moving job into the schedule. Nice!

But please to continue to stop by. More things will definitely appear in the news. Perhaps you'd like to refamiliarize yourself with all 6000 pages of MSPA? As a special bonus, for the next 3+ weeks, the 6000th page will loop right back to the very first page! Like a fearsome ouroboros, greedy for its own tail.

I didn't say this was a GREAT bonus. Only that it was SPECIAL.

Diners, demons, and dames.
Porn in space!
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